AS and A Levels: We offer Physics, Math, Chemistry, Biology, English, Business, Information Technology and Islamic Studies.
IGCSE: We offer eight subjects namely Physics, English, Chemistry, Biology, Math, Business Studies, Information & Communication Technology and Arabic for IGCSE which is completed over a period of three Grades.
In Grade 8 (14 years old) the core curriculum option is offered and in Grade 9 and Grade 10 (15 – 16 years old) both core and extended curriculum options are offered.
For Grade 6 and Grade 7(12-13 years old) we follow the Lower Secondary Curriculum Framework of the Cambridge Pathway.
For Grades 1 to 5(6-11 years old), the curriculum is designed based on the Lower Primary Curriculum Framework except for English. It is supported with resources available on the Cambridge International website.
The kindergarten curriculum is designed to construct the knowledge base required for the Lower Primary in consultation with experts in early childhood learning.